Monday, December 26, 2011

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan

Thousands listen to President Barack Obama's r...Image via Wikipedia
By Al Lewis
For the overpaid executives who've helped make the economy such a wintry hell, my yuletide gifts to you:
For Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan: two cups of coffee at Starbucks, which is worth more than the bailed-out bank's stock.
For Jim Balsillie and Michael Lazaridis, co-CEOs of Research In Motion, who misjudged BlackBerry's competition, dragged feet on improvements, made headlines with global outages and now face technological extinction: the Staples Easy Button. "That was easy!"
For ex-MF Global CEO Jon Corzine, who can't find $1.2 billion of his clients' money after his firm blew up: a handy device called the KeyRinger. Push a button and whatever you lost will flash and beep. At, it says, "the KeyRinger . . . is for everyone who . . . wants to avoid the stress and anxiety of not knowing where something is."
For Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, whose 60% price hike and other misfires lost more than half of Netlix's customers and 75% of its stock value in 2011: a Clint Eastwood video, "For a Few Dollars More."
For Freddie Mac CEO Richard Syron, accused by the Securities and Exchange Commission of lying about subprime loans on his books: a 2001 Tom Green video: "Freddie Got Fingered."
For similarly charged Fannie Mae CEO Daniel Mudd: How about a new name? His name is Mudd.
For former Illinois governor and reality-TV star Rod Blagojevich, sentenced to 14 years in prison for trying to sell President Obama's vacated U.S. Senate seat to Jesse Jackson Jr.: an appearance on the one show where his judge refused to let him appear while free on bail: "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here." Produced from the exotic hoosegow of his choice.
For General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt, who heads President Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness: an empty briefcase to match his empty suit.
For former Stanford Financial chairman R. Allen Stanford, accused in a Ponzi scheme that is second in scale only to Bernie Madoff's, who unsuccessfully argued he's unfit for trial after a 2010 jailhouse beating: Life Alert: "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up."
For Eastman Kodak CEO Antonio Perez, whose legacy will be a 97% decline in his company's stock since 2005: an illustrated coffee-table volume on the history of photography, from the earliest cave painters to him.
For former Galleon Group CEO Raj Rajaratnam, who received an 11-year prison sentence for insider trading: Ronco's Pocket Fisherman, great for passing inside information along the inside of a cell block.
For Rajat Gupta, the former Goldman Sachs board member facing trial on fraud and conspiracy charges for allegedly plying Mr. Rajaratnam with insider information: Monopoly, by Parker Bros., but without the "Get out of jail free" cards.
For former Countrywide Financial CEO Angelo Mozilo whose "friends" are still turning up in Congress: a pet canary, so he can finally learn to sing like one.
For former Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz, who complained in an interview after Yahoo's board fired her, "These people f-ed me over": A book she could have written herself: "The F-Word: Second Edition."
For former Hewlett-Packard CEO Leo Apotheker: nothing. He got paid more than $25 million just to wreck the place and was fired after less than 11 months on the job. He should have bought us Christmas presents.

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