Saturday, September 24, 2011

Developing Your Own Trading Plan

Now that you're about half way through college, here's one piece of advice you should always remember.

Be your own trader.

Don't follow someone else's trading advice blindly. Just because someone may be doing well with their method, it doesn't mean it will work for you. We all have different market views, thought processes, risk tolerance levels, and market experience.

Have your own personalized trading plan and update it as you learn from the market.

With rock solid discipline, your trading could look like this.

Developing a Trading Plan and sticking to it are the two main ingredients of trading discipline.

But trading discipline isn't enough.

Even solid trading discipline isn't enough.

It has to be rock solid discipline.

We repeat: rock solid. Like Jacob Black's abs.

Plastic solid discipline won't do. Nor will discipline made from straws and sticks.

We don't want to be little piggies. We want to be successful traders!

And having rock solid trading discipline is the most important characteristic of successful traders.

A trading plan defines what is supposed to be done, why, when, and how. It covers your trader personality, personal expectations, risk management rules, and trading system(s).

When followed to, a trading plan will help limit trading mistakes and minimize your losses. After all, "if you fail to plan, then you've already planned to fail."

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